Nushi Bags

Why shop with us?

Nushi is a small independent company. Every handbag we make matters to us. Our small team work closely together to produce the best quality bags we can. We’re all invested in every design decision, the materials we use and our service to our customers.

Issy with inner tube clutch bag

Community commitment

During lockdown here in the UK our team stepped up and used their skills in the sewing room to make masks and gowns for our local NHS. We are very grateful for all the NHS has done for those suffering during the pandemic and we wanted to help in any way we could.

Made in Britain

Our team is based in the lovely Hereford countryside. The provenance of our materials is important to us and the majority of the fabrics we purchase are from suppliers in the UK. We are also providing rural employment for our locally based team.

tweed tote bags

Slow fashion

Nushi embodies slow fashion. The entire production from choosing materials, developing designs and crafting each handbag by hand is done by our team here in Herefordshire. This is a very manual process and although we use industrial sewing machines, all the cutting work is done by hand using patterns we have drawn up ourselves.


We are careful about where we buy our materials, often using waste materials that would otherwise have contributed to landfill. This is true for our fabrics, much of which is sourced from overstock and of course, our inner tube bags. We also purchase carefully, buying from family owned businesses so that we know who we are working with.

Read more about how we started making our inner tube bags